Do you believe in heaven and hell?

Dazzling Moonlace
2 min readJul 5, 2021

Yes I really do. I do believe there are heaven and hell. Aside because it is stated in the Quran, in my opinion, heaven and hell are a present-punishment systems that makes human obey God’s will and stay away from sins.

I couldn’t imagine if there are no heaven and hell, this whole world would become so chaos: crimes happens everywhere, people would ignore the rules, no good things would happens. But, if there are people who still do good things inthe name of humanity, i would give my respects because i’m sure it’s pure from their deepest of the hearts without expecting anything. Okay, let’s say it’ll back to the person itself.

Leaving the topic about that belief, I want to write about heaven and hell itself. It’s funny how this question came up after I read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz because the book discuss a little bit about heaven and hell. Heaven and hell always refer to something that come after death. But Miguel consider heaven and hell are exist here, in this world.

If you consider hell as a state of mind, then hell is all around us. Hell is a place of fear, pain, and suffering, a place where the fire burns you. Fire is generated by emotions that come from fear. Whenever we feel the emotions of anger, jealousy, envy, or hate, we experience a fire burning within us.

Miguel said that I can living in a dream of heaven if I begin to live my life with The Four Agreements, and hell will dissappear right before my very eyes. These are The Agreements:
1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don’t take anything personally
3. Don’t make assumptions
4. Always do your best

I think I write far from the topic hahaha, but it’s okay I’ll write anything that comes up to my mind.

01:01 AM

